Sunday, February 5, 2012

ZigZag French Braid

My Princess #1 has long beautiful hair and on mornings when we aren't rushed (like Sundays), she lets me experiment with her hair.  A few weeks ago I had the idea of zigzagging a french braid across her head.  I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it was a success.  I took the top part of her hair and French braided it from right to left. When I reached the left side of her head, I gently reversed the direction of the braid (this was the most complicated part) and went back to the right side. I continued the process until I didn't have any more hair left to add to the braid, then I braided the remainder of the hair.  I wasn't sure what to do with it next.  I looked weird if I just let it hang down her back and there was a big empty spot on her scalp, so I twisted the remainder of her hair into a bun in the empty spot and pinned it into place.  It turned out quite cute (and Princess #1 felt pretty cool getting to wear her hair like that to church).

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