Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Valentine Treats

So here are a couple recipes I tried for a party and on actual Valentine's Day. And I'm feeling lazy so mostly I'll just link you to the recipe I followed.

First, for a party Dave and I were invited to, we were asked to bring an appetizer. Well I jumped on Pinterest to find a Valentine's appetizer and found these: Mozzarella Cheese Filled Hearts. Click HERE for the recipe.

I'm not going to show you my step by step process because I just followed the recipe I found. Some tips though: 1) roll the dough thinner because mine ended up tasting too bready because they were too thick (on the link to the recipe it suggests using pizza dough in a can so maybe that's why mine were too bready because I just used the biscuits), 2) use stronger flavored cheese because the mozzarella disappeared in the bread or maybe again that's because mine were too thick, and 3) follow how the recipe cuts up their cheese, in heart shapes. That way the cheese is in every bite. I just cut cubes so the cheese didn't fill out the whole heart. And I just used Marinara sauce in a jar (which helped them taste better since they were so bready) instead of the Pesto recipe.

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On Valentine's Day morning, I got up with my husband (I usually get to sleep in longer) and made a pancake breakfast. I made regular pancake mix and split the mix into two bowls. One I dyed pink and the other purple. Then I made regular round pancakes.

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Then I cut out a heart in the middle of each pancake using a cookie cutter.

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Then I switched the hearts, so the pink heart goes in the purple pancake and the purple heart goes in the pink pancake. And voila.

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I got the idea from Pinterest (where else?) and their pancakes were more vibrant (I think if you cook on a lower temperature for longer they don't get the brown color, but ain't nobody got time for that). Click HERE for my inspiration.

And for dinner I made Virgin Strawberry Daiquiris. They were just 'meh.' Nothing too amazing but still fun. Here's the simple recipe: blend 12 oz. Sprite, 10 frozen strawberries, and 1/2-1 cup ice cubes. Pour into fancy cups (I got them in the $1 section at Target). Garnish with whipped cream (I also added sprinkles).

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I also tried a new pizza recipe. It's called Easy Pull Apart Pizza Bread. Click HERE for the recipe. And some tips: 1) lessen the olive oil. When I flipped the bread out, oil was literally dripping from the pan. 2) I had to cook mine longer by like 15 or 20 minutes because the middle wasn't cooked all the way through yet. So plan on that. Because we had to cook it longer, the outside was crispy so we couldn't really pull it apart so we just sliced it. And we used Marinara sauce to dip it in. It was yummy.  And it was easy.  I had my 3 year old slice the biscuits into quarters (she used a plastic knife and loved helping).

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